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Welcome to a Forgotten Hill! Again! This time, another creepy adventure is waiting for you, so get ...
Living in the golden cage is a tragedy for a bird! Even though this bird is a small duck. You will ...
The Japanese-style horrors are always special. The country of the rising sun has a rich and pretty ...
There is a weird place on earth called Forgotten Hills. As you can imply from its name, it is ...
Wanna experience an unusual adventure with elements of a detective? There is a great new game for ...
Remember the gruesome detective named Dale Vandermer from the previous chapters of Rusty Lake? He ...
We've already seen quite a few Rusty Lake games that fascinated us with their intricate storylines ...
We are used to feeling in charge of our own lives. We are sure nothing catastrophic will happen to ...
Our memory is a shaky thing. We think that we remember everything that ever happened to us, but it ...
The Rusty Lake Hotel is a hot hangout and it's always full of guests. This week's line up is a bit ...
Those enjoying a mix of horror and puzzle just can't miss this amazing game! The main character is ...
When you have a murky point-and-click detective story at hand, it's a particularly subtle thing to ...

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The White Door Game Play Online

Our past is the key to understanding who we are because who we are is defined by where we come from and what happened to us through the course of our life. This is some sort of a motto all Rusty Lake games are based on. In each of them, you are going to put on the shoes of a true detective and follow the vague clues leading you to the answer. These shoes will differ every time. Sometimes you’re going to be a cop, sometimes a killer, sometimes just a confused person who lost their memory and has to find out what’s going on. Regardless of the story at hand, you’re going to be thrilled by the whole suspense and atmosphere the developers have managed to imbue their creations with! Plunge into the fascinating world of Rusty Lake right now and see what’s waiting for you there!

Mysteries buried in the past

So what exactly is Rusty Lake? It’s the name of the area where the events of each chapter unfold. One of the heroes, James Vanderbum, just received a manor in this picturesque place as a heritage. But he didn’t suspect there is a puzzling mystery involved. Exploring your new home, looking for hints and interacting with various objects, you can unravel the riddles one by one and put the entire story together. You’ll be amazed with what you are going to find out! It’s not only James and his house that are in the scene. Different games take you to different parts of Rusty Lake, including a hotel run by a giant parrot who murders the guests and serves their meat to the newcomers, a psycho hospital where another character, Robert Hill, is admitted after getting into a car accident, and so on. Sometimes you will meet already familiar heroes, like the famous detective Dale Vandermer who is known for his ability to disentangle the trickiest cases. However, his job seems to have become too much for him to handle and now he is experiencing a nightmare of his own that he needs to get out of. You will get to know all those people, discover their innermost desires and fears and, most importantly, find out everything about the past events of their lives that can be touching, shocking or both at the same time.

Solve puzzles, uncover secrets, enjoy the thrill!

All of Rusty Lakes chapters are different, but there is one thing they have in common – puzzles. Lots of puzzles! You’ll encounter them on every step. Actually, the whole process of progressing through the storyline will consist of coping with riddles and uncovering secrets. So, like in every puzzle game, you’ll have to keep a close eye on everything that happens around noting the slightest details of the scene. The answer may lie in the tiniest piece of information that you’ll find out during another small talk. And maybe you won’t even pay attention to it, but you really shouldn’t ignore anything that happens in Rusty Lake! The objects are interactive, you can pick them up, store in your inventory and perform all sorts of manipulations with them. How exactly you are going to pull it off is up to you, some chapters have multiple endings that depend on your choices. Play the amazing Rusty Lake games online on our site and enjoy every thrilling bit of the story!